Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An interesting mountain of SOMETHING

january 25, 2012

An interesting mountain of SOMETHING on the streets of japantown san francisco

This morning around 8 15 am, I saw a newspaper laying on the store front near Tanpopo. Upon approach, i couldn't help but noticed a small mountain of substantial substance, very similar to human fecal matter laying on top of the newspaper. There were other items of trash nearby, some food wrappers, napkins, and such....My first thought was to get the hell out of there! I did.
As i stood at the end of Osaka Way near Benkyodo on the corner, under the Torii, I looked back, and saw how clean the area was, except for that ONE area near Tanpopo.
I couldn't imagine people visiting japantown for this first time, and whilst enjoying the experience, happen upon something unsavory, unsettling, and appetite-depleting, which would be the memory they would carry with them home to Lincoln, Nebraska or Helsinki, and tell this to all their facebook friends about what a shitty place Japantown, San Francisco is.
I couldn't bear it. So, guess what I did.....any ideas?

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